E-Edition changes
Published 1:34 pm Tuesday, March 20, 2018
Starting on Tuesday morning, March 20, we moved our E-Edition to a different hosting system. This means your experience with us will change slightly.
The look, feel and functionality of the E-Edition will be different. While change is almost always a little uncomfortable at first, we hope in time you will agree the new functionality the new site offers is worth the slight transition. The E-Edition is included in your print subscription at no additional charge. For those readers who are looking for access to our digital replica of the printed newspaper only, that too is available at a monthly subscription rate of $7.50.
Once the transition is completed, you should be able to easily register using our new system and manage your account online going forward from our site. The new system may be accessed at: https://www.claiborneprogress.net/subscriptions/
For a brief period during the transition, you will receive a morning email alert from both our old vendor and our new system pointing you to the existence of a new E-Edition. Both systems will remain in place until we confirm all subscribers have transitioned over to the new system and are not experiencing any problems. Please note, the new alerts will come from the address: eedition@boonenewspapers.com To ensure you receive these and that they are not marked as spam or junk by your email program, please add this address to your contacts or address book.
Please register your account today by visiting https://www.claiborneprogress.net/subscriptions/ and clicking the “already a subscriber” field. If you are having trouble or need help registering, please call us at 606-302-9094 and we will assist you with the process.
We appreciate you subscribing to the Claiborne Progress. We continue to work hard to bring you local news and information that is important to you and our community.