May is Brain Tumor Awareness Month
Published 3:20 pm Tuesday, May 1, 2018
Pink and purple ribbons represent breast cancer and pancreatic cancer awareness respectively, but often overlooked is the grey ribbon.
The grey ribbon is used to bring awareness not only to brain cancer but also to give respect to the many affected by cancerous and non-cancerous tumors.
Brain tumors used to be something that no person wanted to hear their doctor say but with the advances in treatment options a diagnosis is scary but thankfully isn’t quite as scary as before. There are many different types of treatment including medicines, laser, chemotherapy, surgery and more. The advancements have been coming along almost weekly but for them to continue the research has to as well.
It is said by the American Brain Tumor Association (ABTA) that brain tumors do not discriminate. It is predicted that 80,000 people will be diagnosed with a brain tumor this year alone. Also it is estimated that 221 out of 100,000 are host to a brain tumor with some knowing and others not knowing. According to recent statistics, it would take eight Neyland Stadiums to hold the people who are currently fighting a brain tumor and sadly 16,000 will lose the battle this year.
Brain tumors are found in infants and all age groups. The month of May is Brain Tumor Awareness Month, and many events are planned nationwide and donations can be made to organizations such as ABTA and the National Brian Tumor Society.
This month, remember the grey ribbon because “grey matters.”