Public Records
Published 12:32 pm Saturday, May 5, 2018
The following public records are the only public records that have been made available to the Claiborne Progress. If you feel that there has been an omission or other error, please contact the appropriate agency. As addresses are not always included in these reports, some misidentification can occur with individuals having the same name as others. Persons listed as being arrested or receiving citations should not be considered guilty or convicted as they have not been found to be so in a court of law at the times these records are filed. Since records are printed as received, the list is controlled by the appropriate agencies involved; we are unable to change or omit names or information.
Claiborne Co. Sheriff’s Office
Stacy Dwayne Patterson – reckless homicide, aggravated robbery, aggravated burglary, outstanding child support attachment
Dewey Ray Smith – possession of a handgun while under the influence of alcohol or a controlled substance, aggravated criminal trespassing, attempted aggravated burglary, tampering with evidence
Lucas Alan Brooks – aggravated robbery, aggravated burglary, outstanding child support attachment
Joseph Onifkia West – criminal impersonation, resisting arrest, failure to stop, halt, frisk
Francis Sinkhorn – reckless driving, possession of a schedule II drugs
Darrell Wyne Veach – possession, manufacture, sell, delivery of a schedule III drugs, possession of drug paraphernalia
Cillis Gene Lankford – possession of a schedule III controlled substance
Corey Matthew Williams – outstanding child support attachment
Adrian Faith Vanover – capias/bench warrant for possession of drug paraphernalia, failure to appear for violation of the financial responsibility law
Jerry W. Leach – violation of probation for driving under the influence, failure to appear for driving under the influence and evading arrest (motor vehicle)
Brian Timothy Elliott – violations of probation for two counts theft over $10,000
Crystal Renee Leach – violations of probation for two counts of theft under $500
Sabrina Ann Howard – failure to appear for driving under the influence, failure to exercise due care and violations of the driver’s license and financial responsibility laws
Corneila Elaine Mullins – failure to appear for criminal trespassing
John Franklin Shiver – failure to appear for violations of the seat belt, registration and financial responsibility laws
Wayne Joseph Frazee – failure to appear for violations of the seat belt and driver’s license laws
Roy Mack Warwick – failure to appear for driving on a suspended license
Brandi Devone Watkins – failure to appear for driving on a suspended license
Jessica LaShae Bailey – violation of the seat belt law
Martin Dale Estep – driving on a suspended license
Nathan Allen Curnutt – disorderly conduct, littering
April Barbra Marie Abbott – public intoxication
National Park Service
David Wayne Jackson – driving under the influence, speeding
New Tazewell Police Dept.
Michael Anthony Laws – assault, possession of a schedule IV drugs for resale, theft under $1,000 (shoplifting)
Ray Jones – simple assault, disorderly conduct, public intoxication
Joseph C. Gonzalez – outstanding child support attachment, possession of a schedule III drugs and drug paraphernalia
Stacy Dewayne Patterson – outstanding child support attachment
Ricky Lynn Bailey – possession of methamphetamine
Serena Willis – possession of a schedule IV controlled substance, theft of merchandise under $1,000, driving on a revoked license, speeding 80/55, violations of the seat belt and financial responsibility laws, failure to appear for speeding 73/55 and violations of the driver’s license and financial responsibility laws
Amanda Faye Evans – theft involving merchandise under $1,000
Christopher J. Moore – speeding 70//45, violation of the ten day address change law
Natasha Ann Napier – violation of the seat belt law (passenger), outstanding warrant for shoplifting (from Hawkins County)
Frankie L. Brooks – violations of the child restraint, light, registration and financial responsibility laws, driving on a suspended license
Bradford M. Walker – violations of the light, registration and financial responsibility laws
Jeff Franklin Estes – failure to yield traffic right of way
McKayla L. Wyrick – following a motor vehicle too closely, violation of the financial responsibility law
Charito C. Downs – following a motor vehicle too closely
Tony Ray Brown Jr. – violation of probation for aggravated burglary
Marcus Jake Middleton – violation of probation
Joey Lee Cooper – violation of probation
Kelly Lewis – violation of probation
Brian James Earl Hensley – violation of probation
Billy Joe Collins Jr.. – violations of the driver’s license, registration and financial responsibility laws
Raymond Charles Caylor – violations of the registration and financial responsibility laws
Terry Wayne McDaniel – violations of the registration and financial responsibility laws
Jesus M. Williams – violation of the financial responsibility law
Tazewell Police Dept.
Kenneth Ray Porter – aggravated assault of a law enforcement officer, aggravated domestic assault
Thomas Arnold Casteel Jr. – domestic assault
Charles Caleb Daughtery – introduction of contraband into a penal facility, possession of an unlawful prescription, possession of a schedule II drugs
Jamie Leigh Putney – possession of a schedule IV drugs, driving on a revoked license, violation of probation for introduction of contraband into a penal facility
Joshua Tyler Overton – possession of a schedule IV drugs
Amanda Faye Evans – two counts theft under $1,000
Paul Michael Oboroff – speeding 119/45, reckless driving, felony evading arrest
Abdijabar Aden Rage – speeding 69/45 (commercial vehicle)
Britney Spears Hock – speeding 67/45
Carla Baker – speeding 66/45
Jaime Suzanne Pack – speeding 66/45
Karen Kay Surber – speeding 56/35
Angela Bishop Burch – speeding 65/45
Gertrude Lynn Smith – speeding 65/45
Joel Michael McIntyre – speeding 65/45
Kristy M. Williams – speeding 50/30
Rhonda Jean Patterson – speeding 64/45
Hannah E. Hensley – speeding 54/35
Mckenzie Claire Thomas – speeding 49/30
Dylan Heth Lares Yezek – speeding 63/45
Elise Maxwell – speeding 60/45
Andrew M. Howerton – speeding 40/25
Alyssa Nicole Callebs – speeding 43/30
Bobby Joe Raby – reckless driving, violation of the Habitual Motor Vehicle Offender Bar, driving on a revoked license, resisting stop, halt, frisk, arrest, vandalism under $1,000
Matthew A. Evans – failure to yield traffic right of way, driving on a suspended license, violations of the registration and financial responsibility laws
Susan Elaine Simpson – capias/bench warrant for forgery under $1,000, criminal impersonation, driving on a revoked license and violation of the registration law
James Alan Slover – capias/bench warrant for public intoxication
Steven Cole Helton – violations of probation for reckless endangerment and theft under $1,000
Amanda Denise Hammons – violation of the registration law
Cassidy Danika Thompson – violation of the registration law (expired tag)
Kathy Francine Russell – violation of the financial responsibility law
Jolene Burchfield – public intoxication
Tennessee Hwy. Patrol
Larry Christopher Ellis – driving under the influence, possession of a handgun while under the influence, violation of the implied consent law
Michael Davis – driving under the influence, driving on a suspended license, violation of the implied consent law
Scott T. Freeman – driving under the influence
Anthony Alan Adams – violations of the seat belt and registration (must carry) laws
Marlena Jo Woody – violation of the seat belt law, failure to appear