Do you know who I am?
Published 1:15 am Tuesday, July 23, 2019
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By Candida Sullivan
Contributing Columnist
The enemy is relentless on his attacks. He wants to take my joy and steal my peace. Ultimately, he wants to destroy me. When the attacks come so quickly that I can barely catch my breath, then I get down and start thinking my situation is hopeless. This is the place my adversary wants me to be. If he can trick me into believing that God doesn’t have the power to help me, then he knows there is a chance I might just give up.
While I do feel like giving up at times, especially when life seems the hardest, I also know that I have another option. I can cry out to Jesus. The enemy doesn’t know who I am. I am a child of God. I have power with my Lord. I am His beloved daughter. And when I cry out, my Lord will answer.
God knows how to defeat the devil. He can set me so far ahead of the devil that he can’t touch me. So when the enemy is attacking me, instead of getting weary in well doing, I just need to remind myself of who my God is.
My God is all powerful. He is mighty and strong. My God is wise. He created the storm, therefore it has no power over Him. The Lord spoke the world into existence. God already sent His Son Jesus to the cross to die for my sins and for the things that I cannot do. It’s already been paid. I have victory in Jesus.
As the enemy attacks me and tries to discourage me, I am going to remember that I have favor with God. Satan would have to go through God to get to me and that is not possible. At any time, I can cry out to Jesus and tell Him all about my heartaches. I can tell Him how the devil is attacking me. And I can ask my Lord to help me. What a beautiful gift of love. It is a great blessing to know the Lord. And I want to live my life as if I know Him.
So when the enemy has me down, kicking me and trying to defeat me, I say, “Do you know who I am?” Then I get up and act like I am the beloved daughter of God.
Candida Sullivan is an award-winning author, inspirational speaker, and certified life coach. Her book, Despite Your Circumstances, won the 2016 CSPA book of the year award. It is her passion to help others learn to overcome their own circumstances. She lives in Tennessee with her husband and children. If you’d like to contact her, please email her at