Area Happenings
Published 12:00 pm Friday, January 5, 2018
DEADLINE: The deadline for submitting Area Happenings, Church Events, Cemetery News, Reunions or Society items is Thursday at noon. See our website each week for a full listing of local events:
Bee Friends
Beekeeping has more potential benefits than honey. The next meeting of Bee Friends will be Jan. 4 at 6:30 pm. This is the regularly scheduled meeting of Bee Friends, a local beekeeping group. All are welcome, whether you are a seasoned beekeeper, someone just beginning to think about beekeeping, or anywhere in between. Regular meetings are held on the first Thursday of each month in the auditorium of the Tazewell Campus (the old high school) of Walter State Community College. If you have questions, you can call Jay at 423-268-4785. Coffee and dessert will also be available at no cost.
Alzheimer’s Support Group
Smoky Mountain Home Health & Hospice, Alzheimer’s Support Group meets the last Thursday of each month at 6 p.m. at Laurel Manor Nursing Facility. The next meeting is scheduled for Jan. 25. Community partners: Alzheimer’s Tennessee; Smoky Mountain Home Health & Hospice; Laurel Manor Nursing Facility; Lambert Bookkeeping & Financial Services; Senior Citizens Home Assistance Service, Inc.; Claiborne-Overholt Funeral Home; Eastridge Apartments LLC; Claiborne County Office on Aging. Everyone welcome.
Narcotics Anonymous
There is a Narcotics Anonymous meeting each Thursday at 8 p.m., located at 1501 Tazewell Rd., Tazewell, behind Hardee’s.
NA meetings are also held every Wednesday and Saturday at 6 p.m. at St. Mary’s Episcopal Church in Middlesboro, Kentucky. For more information call 606-670-4356.
Town of Cumberland Gap Meetings
The regular monthly meetings for the Town of Cumberland Gap Board of Mayor and Aldermen will be held the first Monday evening of every month at 7 p.m. at the Cumberland Gap Town Hall, 330 Colwyn Street, Cumberland Gap. The Cumberland Gap Beer Board meeting will follow. At least one week before the regular scheduled meeting the board holds a planning meeting to review and finalize the agenda. Those meetings begin at 6 p.m. and are usually held the Monday before the regular scheduled meeting.
The regular monthly meetings for the Cumberland Gap Historical Zoning Commission will be held the first Tuesday (following the first Monday) of every month at 7 p.m. at the Cumberland Gap Town Hall. If no items are to be discussed a meeting will not be held.
The regular monthly meetings for the Cumberland Gap Planning Commission will be held the second Monday of every month at 7 p.m. at the Cumberland Gap Town Hall. If no items are to be discussed a meeting will not be held. The public is invited to attend all of the town’s meetings.
Family Support
Do you or someone you know living in Claiborne County have a severe intellectual and/or physical disability? There may be public assistance available for their special needs. Call Greene County Skills, Inc. at 423-798-7137 or 7144 and ask Karin or Teresa about the Family Support Program. Family Support is a Tennessee state-funded program geared to serve individuals of all ages who are currently not enrolled in a Tennessee medical waiver program. Family Support may be able to help with respite or homemaker services, minor home or vehicle modifications, specialized equipment and more. We also serve individuals with disabilities in Greene, Hamblen, Union and Grainger counties.
Child and Adult Care Food Program
Cumberland Mountain Industries has announced participation in the Child and Adult Care Food Program. Meals will be provided at no separate charge to eligible adults served at CMI, located at 1214 Cedar Fork Rd., Tazewell. For more information contact CMI at 423-626-6757.
Adult High School
Need a high school diploma? The Claiborne County Adult High School is now offering free classes. There is flexible scheduling offered to accommodate working adults. “The tassel is worth the hassle” – with a diploma, you can earn higher wages, have better job opportunities, can attend college, enter technical school and have careers in the military. For more information call 423-626-8222.
Free Drug Testing Kits
The Stand in the Gap Coalition (SIGCO) is a 501(c)(3) faith-based organization and is providing free saliva-based drug testing kits with instructions. They are called Give Me a Reason (GMAR) kits. Anyone with questions about or needing to obtain GMAR kits or anyone interested in getting involved with SIGCO or volunteering in the office, with the jail ministry or any other ministry can stop by the Stand in the Gap Coalition office, located at 502 Pennlyn Ave. in Cumberland Gap. It is open on Mondays from 1-5:30 p.m. For more informattion you may also call 423-300-1302 and leave a message, email or mail P.O. Box 530, Cumberland Gap, TN 37724.
American Legion Post #109
All veterans are invited to attend monthly meetings on the second Tuesday of each month. Activities begin at 6 p.m. with a meal. The meeting is at 7 p.m. at 335 Fulkerson Street in Tazewell.
Arthur Community Center Association
The Arthur Community Center Restoration Organization has regular meetings the second Thursday and fourth Thursday of each month at 6:30 p.m. at the Arthur Community Center. All residents of Arthur Community are encouraged to attend. The ACCA is a non-profit organization dedicated to the restoration of the Arthur Community Center for the public to use for meetings, family reunions, wedding receptions, etc.
Beginner’s Computer Class
The Claiborne County Public Library is hosting a beginner’s computer class at the Harrogate Senior Citizens Center every other Friday at 1 p.m. For more information call the library at 423-626-5414.
City of Harrogate Meetings
The following meetings are held at Harrogate City Hall, 138 Harrogate Crossing: Board of Mayor and Aldermen – fourth Monday each month at 6 p.m.; Work Sessions – each month on the Tuesday prior to the BMA meetings, at 6 p.m.; Parks and Recreation Committee – second Monday of the month at 6 p.m., on an as-needed basis; Planning Commission – second Monday each month at 6:30 p.m. The Book Station Committee meetings are held on the second Tuesday of each month at 5 p.m. at the Harrogate Book Station, 310 Bristol Road. All meetings are open to the public.
Cumberland Gap Meetings
The regular monthly meetings for the Cumberland Gap Historical Zoning Commission will be held the first Tuesday (following the first Monday) of every month at 7 p.m. at the Cumberland Gap Town Hall, 330 Colwyn Street Cumberland Gap (if no items are to be discussed a meeting will not be held). The public is invited to attend.
The regular monthly meetings for the Cumberland Gap Planning Commission will be held the second Thursday of every month at 7 p.m. at the Cumberland Gap Town, 330 Colwyn Street Cumberland Gap (if no items are to be discussed a meeting will not be held). The public is invited to attend.
The regular monthly meetings for the Town of Cumberland Gap Board of Mayor and Alderman will be held the first Monday evening of every month at 7 p.m. at the Cumberland Gap Town Hall, 330 Colwyn Street, Cumberland Gap. The Cumberland Gap Beer Board meeting follows the board meeting each month. At least one week before the regular scheduled meeting the board meets in a study session to review and finalize the agenda. That meeting starts at 6 p.m. and is usually held the Monday before the regular scheduled meeting. Both meetings are open to the public.
Free Adult High School Classes
The Claiborne County Adult High School is now offering free classes for students to earn credits to receive their Tennessee state high school diploma. Flexible scheduling is available for both day and evening classes. For more information, contact the Adult High School at 423-626-8222.
Free Spay and Neuter
The Animal Welfare League of Claiborne County is sponsoring a free spay/neuter for dogs and cats in the Claiborne County area for families with income less than $30,000 per year, depending upon the number of people in the household. Pick up applications at Harrogate Hospital for Animals, Russell Veterinary Services or Rowland Veterinary Services. You can also request spay applications at . Complete application, including proof of income and mail to AWLCC, 200 Hatfield Morgan Lane, New Tazewell, TN 37825 or scan/email to email address above. Be sure to include a phone number.
Free Tech Classes at Library
Need help with technology? Would you like to learn more about your mobile device? You can now schedule an appointment at the Claiborne County Public Library for free help sessions. The library will be able to help with the following: Computers, tablets, phones, use of apps, etc.
Come prepared with: The device you need help with; any necessary usernames and passwords needed to access your device and/or accounts; the device fully charged, if not, please bring a charger; questions and/or concerns about your device.
The library staff will not: Run diagnostics; troubleshoot or fix any malfunctioning devices (unless related to library services); run antivirus scans; computer maintenance; replace parts on a device; credit card transactions.
Call for information, more details or to schedule an appointment at 423-626-5414 or email at One-on-one or group appointments are available.
Greene County Skills
Greene County Skills, Inc. is seeking individuals in Tennessee that have developmental or physical disability. Tennessee has a grant program offering assistance. For more information, call Greene County Skills, Inc. at 423-798-7137, ask for Karin Hagenburger or 423-798-7144 Teresa Crawford, Family Support Coordinator.
Homeless Veterans Reintegration Project
Outreach workers Tommy Brooks and Erin Haverland will be available to assist eligible veterans with enrollment in HVRP. The Homeless Veterans Reintegration Project helps veterans find secure employment through case management, job training, and referrals and links with other local service providers. Outreach workers can arrange visits with veterans in outlying areas who are unable to travel to the program office.Veterans Can Help is located at 511 Broadway, Knoxville, TN 37917. Phone: 865-524-3926. In Knoxville, call 865-546-4813 for more information.
Town of New Tazewell Meetings
The Town of New Tazewell board meetings for the Board of Mayor and Aldermen are conducted at New Tazewell City Hall at 413 First Avenue, the second Tuesday of each month at 7:30 p.m. The Board of Mayor and Aldermen workshops are held one hour prior to the regular meeting. The Planning Commission meetings are held at 5:30 p.m. on the first Tuesday of each month. The public is invited to attend these meetings.
Town of Tazewell Meetings
The board meetings for the Board of Mayor and Aldermen of the Town of Tazewell are conducted at Tazewell City Hall at 1830 Main Street, the second Tuesday of each month at 7:30 p.m. The BMA Workshops are on Wednesday, prior to the scheduled board meeting at 6 p.m. as needed. The Planning Commission Meetings are held at 5:30 p.m. on the first Tuesday of each month. The public is invited to attend these meetings.