Latest Editorials


Today is the best day to make a difference

BY TIM MILLS Contributing columnist Happy February already. If anyone thought they were holding back the reigns on ...


Need a last-minute gift, look at downtown Middlesboro

What’s Up, Middlesboro? Just one more week until Christmas and then on to 2023. If you need any ...


Rudolph the Red Nosed Rein … dear?

By now you have no doubt heard the obligatory Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer song 10 times on ...


We deserve to know the truth about gas prices

The symbolism of President Biden’s recent and ill-fated bicycle ride had nothing to do with a fall to ...


An investment worth making

Since the arrival of COVID-19, the world has become a different place. Public events have been canceled, restaurants ...


Proposed solutions to the current student loan conundrum raise interesting issues

President-Elect Biden and other Democrats have proposed a number of changes to the student loan program as well ...


An organ donor truly gave my family the gift of life

My family celebrated my dad’s birthday last weekend. In most ways, it was a typical birthday celebration. In ...


On the anniversary of Charlottesville

It’s hard to believe that a year has passed since the horror of Charlottesville took place. Less than ...


Shop locally for school supplies

As summer vacation slowly draws to a close, it is time to put that money to good use. ...


An attack on journalists is an attack on every American

Every time there is a mass shooting in this country, I get overwhelmed and outraged at the same ...

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